Devki Desai will be teaching for IYSDC live-online from Pune India!
Devki is a direct student of BKS, Prashant, and Geeta Iyengar. She embarked on her study of Iyengar Yoga in 1984 and has been teaching at the mother Iyengar Yoga Institute (RIMYI) in Pune, India since 1995. She has travelled worldwide to assist BKS and Geeta Iyengar in classes and conventions. Since 2008, she has toured on her own teaching in Europe, Asia and North America.
Her students often comment on her ability to beautifully incorporate the philosophy of Patanjali, the precision and discipline of the Iyengar practice, and the energy of youthfulness.
Sign-up early and save your spot! Registrants will be provided a link to the Zoom recording of this class.
Live-Online via Zoom
November 21, 2020
4:00-5:30 PM Hawaii Standard Time (HST)