Please join Purnima for the third installment of this ongoing five-week series, exploring themes from the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali.
This third series will focus on the two wings of yogic discipline (abhyāsa and vairāgya), principles of prakṛti and puruṣa, and the concept of sequential order in our practice (krama).
The Yoga Sūtras of Sage Patañjali (c. 200 BC) is considered one of the foremost texts on Yoga. The text was written and collated in Sanskrit over 2000 years ago, systematically presenting the art and science of Yoga. These Sūtras are profound, forming the philosophical and ethical foundation of our practice of Iyengar Yoga.
During these sessions, we will discuss the meaning and practical application of the Yoga Sūtras. In addition to weekly presentations by the instructor and guided open discussions, we will learn to chant the Sūtras explored in this series.
The course is open to all interested and committed students. It is designed for those seeking an introduction to the Yoga Sūtras, as well as those who wish to delve deeper into Yoga philosophy.
Students are encouraged to obtain at least one text with a translation of the Sūtras. A list of suggested publications will be provided to students ahead of time. Supplementary study materials, recordings of the chanted Sūtras covered in this series, and weekly homework will also be offered by the instructor.
Saturdays from 4pm–5:30pm
Hawaiian Standard Time
April 17 through May 15
Cost for entire series is $60. Commitment to the entire series is required as no drop-ins will be permitted. Links to the recordings of all sessions will be provided to registered students.
Contact: for more information.